Looking up last night, the Waxing Cresent and Her companion star below were softly glowing through the haze of a misty midnight. As the calendrical year begins, She began her monthly return...
The silence of that moment...the beauty of the "otherworldly"aspect of the scene above me....the promise inherent in last night's celebrations and frivolity....all this interconnected in emotions kept in check by the place in which I found myself. I was outside (yay) in one of the quaintest downtown squares with the rush of midnight revelers passing me incessantly. It was chilly, sparkly, and beautiful. But, it wasn't the "appropriate" situation to do anything more than an internal "howdy" and "thank you" to the Maiden for returning on such a perfect night.
I don't wear my Path on the outside for all to see. I'm probably one of the more subtle and quiet witches you'll ever meet....'cause there are so many who make our Paths difficult by their actions or misunderstood by their preconceptions. Plus, my career makes it awkward to be an "in your face" practitioner.
But, last night, in the company of my darling husband and one of my best friends who is just starting on her Path as well, I felt a connectedness to Her. There was energy...there was welcome...there was Light. It was amazing and humbling and calming and empowering and all the rest.
It was a wonderful way to welcome 2009!
In that spirit, may we all be energized and warmed....and wrapped in the welcome of the softness of moonlight.
Blessed Be and Happy 2009!