02 January 2013


'Tis a new calendar year...

We've decked the halls, burned the Yule log, torn the wrapping paper from gifts, popped the Champagne, and cleaned up from the parties.  So...now what?

My darling Lair companions, it's now time (as it always is) to celebrate the seasonal abundance of Winter!  Look around you...

Here, at the Lair, the trees are brazenly exposing their architecturally minimalist natures, the Pond is glazed every morning with a thin layer of glassy ice, and the songbird are "decking the Gardens" with shades of charcoal and scarlet. We've been blessed with rains, snow, ice, AND bright winter sunshine within the past two weeks! The bracing winds and temperamental weather outside encourage us to "nest" and cuddle.  It's a time of organization and introspection--of cleaning our environment of the "needless detritus collected and unused AND of cleaning our selves of those considerations that draw us from our "real" purpose and focus.

Rather than make resolutions, I encourage you to Refocus and Renew this season...to look within and find what needs Renovating...to Resuscitate your true self.  Extract yourself from the negative energies--acknowledge their ability to teach and then embrace the positive motivation they give you to adapt and change.

Welcome to 2013, my dear ones...and to the softness of THIS year's Moonlight...