Blessings, my Dear Ones! May Samhain have found you and yours beginning the journey inward once again and may that journey have already wrapped itself 'round you in comforting warmth.
These are the weeks and months we internalize--both literally and figuratively. In our daily lives, we hunker down in our homes to "protect" from the chills of the ever-encroaching Winter. Blankets and sweaters are brought out of storage. Savory spices replace sun-kissed herbs in our recipes (and in the scents with which we choose to surround ourselves). Kitchen witchery is at the foreground of our minds.
Within ourselves, a similar "protection" is ongoing. The texts and traditions with which we are so familiar and around which are days are organized call us to return to study. Our "sunshine" selves--so complacent in our out-of-doors activities throughout the warmer months--shift focus once again to reconnections and renewal. Growth happens in the Darkness for the Dark Half nurtures the curiosity within. We reevaluate what is good and what is past its prime...and allow our minds to travel paths of curiosity. This is the "safe" time, for we've been graced by those who've gone before, yet are not gone.
The Old Ones have visited, have graced us once more with their felt presence among us. 'Tis the Season of reflection upon what wisdom they bestowed on the hallowed Dark Night. What is being revealed to you since that Night of the Veil's Thinning? What studies are you beginning or delving into further? What intrigues call your focus away from the mundane? What connections are you being opened to? Revelation is afoot!
Be vigilant and curious and brave, my little ones. Embrace the chill...celebrate the Darkness...and be your own illumination!
In the Softness of the Moonlight...