Greetings my Dear Ones!
Here, in north Texas, we're in a transitional period. 'Tis not quite Spring and not exactly Winter. Nights are chill, but the sunny embrace of the ever-lengthening days bring the promise of renewal and growth. Songbirds who've been wintering in Southern climes have begun returning to the Gardens and meadows...the bunnies and squirrels are actively seeking mates and frolicking recklessly in yards and along woodlands...and the Toads have returned to our Pond.
In the spirit of this transition, the Garden is being planned and worked over in the forthcoming weeks. We've a lovely new cultivator to aid our efforts this year. Visions of heirloom tomatoes, curled squash and cucumber vines, cheery pea shoots, and stately melons gracing the tidy rows of the Garden are dancing in my head already. The Pond's surrounds are being given over to pretty little herbs (the spray from the fountain will help them stay watered and happy).
In the the warm rays of the the moist scent of turned soil...can't you hear and feel and smell the potential?! She's beckoning us all. Go out and indulge in the magick and wonderment of the world coming back to vitality!
In the softness of the Moonlight...