04 November 2013

Ch--Ch--Changes They are Afoot...

G'day, my dear ones!

One may truly feel the Wheel turning today--the winds are brisk, the air is crisp and redolent with Autumnal scents of wet leaves and wood smoke, and the skies have turned grim.  The trees, recently decked in verdant leaves, are shedding their finery and allowing their skeletal beauty to be fully displayed. Winter is fast approaching and, with it, the season of resting, reflection, and recharging.  We may become self-absorbed or self-isolating, but 'tis merely a chance for the introspective self to strengthen and reawaken.

As with the critters without, we, too, are starting the comforting ritual of preparations for the coming "nesting" season. Kitchens are teeming with the scents of baking breads, warming soups, and roasting meats. Blankets and "throws" are being brought out of storage and tossed on sofas and chairs for easy access when the evenings are chilly. Handknits and jumpers have replaced tshirts and tank tops in closets and bureaus.

There's an anticipation in the air...in the crystal-blue skies...in the scents and sounds of preparation.  Change is coming and change is here!  Candles are lit for ritual AND for light...bonfires or firepits pop and crackle merrily in celebration as they warm and comfort...capes and cloaks and ritual garb comforts as much as it connects.

My dear visitors, what are WE embracing and altering in this Season of flux?  Do we mourn the loss of the Sun or welcome the Darkness and all its potential?  Will we hold fast to the past or look beyond to what we've learned and to what wonders are opened to us thanks to that very same past?  Will we think ill of the brisk winds and chill rains and forthcoming snows or actively open to the cleansing they herald?

Change, my dear ones...change is what keeps our Paths vibrant and vital.  Change is what allows us to delve ever deeper into Her mysteries.  Change is life!

Embrace it...go out-of-doors and embrace the change!

In the darkness of the New Moon...

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